It seems to come out of nowhere; you stand up, and suddenly, a sharp pain shoots down your leg. Welcome to the world of sciatica. This condition affects many people at some point in their lives, and it’s not something anyone wants to live with long. At Doc Tony Clinics, we see many patients who are suffering from sciatica pain due to being in a car accident, so we know how uncomfortable it can be. But the good news is that treatment is available. Here are the facts about sciatica, what causes it, and how we can help.

What is Sciatica?

In your lower back is the beginning of a long nerve that travels from your spine, through your buttocks, along each leg, and down to your feet. This is your sciatic nerve, and it’s considered a mixed nerve, meaning that it has two types of nerves: those that are used in movement and those that feel sensations. Without your sciatic nerve, you wouldn’t be able to walk or stand.

This makes the sciatic nerve pretty important. Unfortunately, it’s also somewhat vulnerable. “Sciatica” is the term for irritation or damage to the sciatic nerve, and it’s pretty common. Sciatica symptoms include a shooting pain from the lower back, a feeling of numbness or weakness in the legs, or tingling in the legs or feet. Some people describe it as feeling like an electric shock. Severe sciatica can even impair movement or cause incontinence.

Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when that important sciatic nerve gets pinched or injured. This can be caused by back problems, such as herniated or collapsed discs. It can also be caused by a simple misalignment of the spine, which can happen for many reasons, including an accident, poor posture, unsafe exercise technique, and more.

An injury from a car accident or fall can also cause sciatica. Many women also experience it during pregnancy.

It’s such a common problem that most people will experience sciatica at some point as adults. What can you do about it, and how long will it take to feel better?

How Many Chiropractic Treatments for Sciatica are Required?

There are multiple treatment options for sciatica, ranging from resting to surgery.

Many people find relief from chiropractic care, which addresses the underlying issues causing your pain. If the nerve is pinched because of misalignment, an adjustment may be the best way to reduce that pressure.

In addition to this, adding massage therapy may help reduce symptoms by improving circulation and reducing muscle tension. Physical therapy, such as exercise and stretching routines, may also help.

Developing better core strength helps support the spine, and stretching can relieve excess tension.

Sciatica can be very painful, and it impacts many parts of your life. But the good news is that you probably won’t have to suffer long. Most people feel significant relief within four to six weekly chiropractic adjustments. Although it may take a little time to regain full strength, most people can return to normal activities, including strenuous exercise, within about two months.

Get Help For Your Sciatica After a Car Accident in Jacksonville, FL

If you’re suffering from sciatic pain due to a car accident, you want relief as soon as possible. We urge you to contact us at Doc Tony Clinics and let us take care of you. The staff would love to help you feel better, so come see what we can do to help you heal from sciatica.

On top of chiropractic adjustments, we can explain exercise and lifestyle modifications that you can use to protect you in the future. You shouldn’t have to live with the pain of sciatica, and we’re here to help you feel your best!

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