Herniated discs, also known as slipped or ruptured discs, can cause significant pain and discomfort due to the compression of nearby nerves. While conventional medical treatments such as medication, physical therapy, or surgery are often recommended, many individuals seek alternative therapies like chiropractic care for relief. 

Understanding Herniated Discs

A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner core of a spinal disc protrudes through the tough outer layer, putting pressure on nearby nerves. This can lead to sharp or shooting pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected area, commonly the lower back or neck.


One of the most frequently asked questions is, “Can a chiropractor help a herniated disc?” The answer is a resounding yes. Chiropractors have been successfully treating herniated discs and relieving related discomfort for decades.

Mechanism of Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Discs

Chiropractic treatment for a herniated disc involves manual manipulation of the spine, which realigns the vertebrae and alleviates the pressure on the affected disc. This adjustment helps restore the disc’s natural position and promotes the body’s healing process.


During the adjustment, you may hear a popping sound similar to when you crack your knuckles. This sound is caused by the release of gas trapped in the joints and is a sign that the spinal adjustment was successful.


Chiropractors may also incorporate other treatment modalities such as massage, heat and cold therapy, electrical stimulation, and exercises to help strengthen the back and core muscles.

Overview of Chiropractic Care as a Non-Invasive Treatment Option

One of the main reasons people opt for chiropractic care for their herniated discs is because it’s a non-invasive treatment option. Unlike surgery, it does not require any incisions, anesthesia, or extended recovery time.


Chiropractic care focuses on treating the root cause of the problem rather than simply alleviating symptoms. This holistic approach helps prevent future herniated discs and promotes long-term spinal health.

Duration of Chiropractic Treatment for Bulging Discs

The duration of treatment can vary significantly from patient to patient. It largely depends on the severity of the disc herniation, the patient’s overall health, and how well the body responds to treatment. However, many patients start to see relief after a few sessions, and significant improvement generally takes about 4 to 6 weeks.


Numerous factors can influence the timeline for recovery. These include the patient’s age, overall health, lifestyle habits, adherence to prescribed home care exercises, and underlying conditions. Discuss these factors with your chiropractor to better understand your unique treatment timeline.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Car Accident-Related Injuries

Chiropractic care can be especially beneficial for individuals involved in car accidents who experience herniated discs. In fact, it can help manage pain, improve mobility, decrease inflammation, and restore a normal range of motion. Additionally, chiropractic care can prevent long-term damage by ensuring that minor injuries are properly treated before they develop into serious conditions.

Choosing a Chiropractor for Herniated Disc Treatment

When selecting a chiropractor for herniated disc treatment, it’s crucial to consider their experience, reputation, approach to care, and good rapport with patients. Chiropractors at Doc Tony Clinics specialize in herniated disc treatment and offer effective, personalized care.


If you are in the Jacksonville, Florida, area and think you might benefit from chiropractic care for a herniated disc, consider scheduling an appointment at Doc Tony Clinics. Our team will thoroughly evaluate and develop a tailored treatment plan unique to your condition and needs.

Reach Out to Doc Tony Clinics

Chiropractic care provides a non-invasive, holistic approach to treating herniated discs, focusing on the root cause of the problem and promoting long-term spinal health. We encourage anyone seeking relief from herniated disc pain to consider the potential benefits of chiropractic care. Our team at Doc Tony Clinics is committed to helping patients alleviate pain and improve their quality of life.


Ready to take control of your health and bid goodbye to herniated disc pain? Visit our website or call 800-362-8669 to book your appointment. We look forward to helping you on your journey to better spinal health.


Image Credits; Dragon Images/Shutterstock